My father is coming home today from the hospital...
He's, been really, really sick..
I'm so excited, I will see him, in a little bit..
I, want to give my father a very special gift..
One, he'll smile over time and time again..
I thought and thought really hard what to
give my father for his special gift..
Then, a thought hit me and I knew this
... would be it..
It was the most perfect gift....
I, got down on my knees and I asked God,
to fill this great big box up with all my love,
kisses and hugs and then I said dear, God
please, throw your blessing in
God, bless my Father, with your love..
This would be the most perfect gift..
After I prayed, I wrapped the big box up real pretty
.. I tied it with a big blue bow.
It had my love and Gods, blessing in it ..
I couldn't hardly wait to show him..
My mama. walked into my room, to see what I had made..
She seen the pretty, big box that I had wrapped with lots
and lots of love..
She said with tears in her eyes
what is in it, my sweet little girl..
I, said I asked God, to fill it up to the very
top with all my love and he did...Mama, he did...
I, asked God,to,bless my father
and he did, Mama, he really did...
Mama, said she believed me..
and hugged me oh, so tight..
My mama, was crying so hard now..
As, she held me really, really tight..She had both
arms around me and wouldn't let me go..
Mama, your squeezing me too tight
Mama, please don't cry..why are you crying, Mama?
She said ohhhhh, honey my sweet , sweet girl..
The hospital just called to say your
daddy, won't be coming home...
You, see honey your daddy, went to heaven..
He, was in so much pain.
God, decided he wanted him home in heaven to be with him..
Your, daddy has no pain and he is in heaven with the lord surrounded
by all God's beautiful, angels now..
Your father loves you, ohhhhh so much..
Never ever forget that..
As, tears ran down my cheeks,
I ran outside carrying that great big box..
I opened it up and shook it hard, up and down
over and over again. I whispered Daddy, catch, catch
This is my Gift to you Father,
it is all my love, kisses and hugs..
Im throwing it to the sky for you.
Catch daddy, catch my love..
Whenever you, get lonely
I'll leave my gift to you in my room
Just reach in the box and get plenty of handfuls
of love just for you...
You, see Father, my love
will never go away because each day
I'll ask God, to fill the box up to the top
with my love..
This, way Daddy, my love will never run out for you..
It is My Special Gift for you Father
My love, always right here just for you ,
My very special
gift father only ~ only for you..
~ XxSuNkiSsxx
a.k.a. Betty ~
All rights reserved. May 25, 2003
Read more of Betty's poetry Here
This poem was written especially for this
page for "Daily Reflections". Please do not
take without consent.
Music"Mr. Jesus"