"Inspired by Grammie Moses Of Senior
room 1"
Thank you, Grammie
*A Lesson from A Special friend*
Why do you make fun of me?
IM different, that you can see.
Im still the same as you are
I have feelings a soul and a heart
People say IM retarded what does
that mean?
I know it means something bad ...
I know your making fun of me.
Maybe retarded means I m slow ..
I asked a friend she told me she
She said it means we can't do things
other people can do
I said that sure isn't true..
I can do what ever I want
It just takes time so I can do it
making it slow, makes it turn out
When you see me walking down the
Don't laugh and make fun of me
I'd rather be a little slow and
do things right
After all "You", do it fast but
your not very nice or polite
When you look at me I'm always
My heart is full of love and kindness
Ohhh, maybe your telling me your
retarded is
That's why your so angry and mean?..
Is it because you don't know how
to love
Or be happy..Come here, let me hug
you .
See that is it your smiling now..
I love you..Your, my friend,
It isn't your fault you been angry..
You just needed a hug and to feel
See your not retarded anymore..
I hugged you and made it all better
for you..
Your, heart doesn't hurt or feel
sore anymore..
I fixed it. I put my love in your
heart so you know I'm, your friend..
See that smile on your face..
I made you happy ..I'm so happy
I did..
Your my friend ~I love you..
Promise me you'll never make fun
of me or anyone again..
You'll hurt their heart if
you do..Like you did mine..
I'm so happy that you crossed your
heart and promised me,
Never to make fun of me or any one
Your my special friend I love you..
Now I'm getting ready to do the best
I can..
IM gonna run this "SPECIAL"
race for God, and you my friend..
Im gonna win...IM gonna win.
I'm gonna win ..for me and all my
© XxSuNkiSsx
a.k.a. Betty
All rights reserved ©September
4, 2003
Used with permission
Read more of Betty's writings Here
Music "Power Of Love" midi

24 August 2003.
All Graphics © Sysster Designs |