Written for my Mother
with much Love.
Cascades of rainbows,
fairy tales,
Nursery rhymes, flashbacks
in my mind..
Of the wonderful times
when mother
Would read to me as
a child.
Still, the child lives inside me as an adult..
Memories, fill my heart with so much happiness
and so much Love.
Love shared between
a mother and daughter
A bond and love
so strong..
Even, though she has
passed on her love
was/is so strong it
is felt everyday..
My mother, would
let me crawl unto her lap
as a child ,while
she cuddled me and read to me..
feeling so secure
and so loved more
then anyone could
ever imagine..
While, she reads stories,
I loved so well..
over and over again.
Enchanted, and mystified
wide eyed, while I
listened to my mother
read all my favourite
Feeling so comfortable,
my loving mother
tucks me in my bed,
kisses my cheek, says
I love you... ..
She, sits reading
more to me in her gentle
whispering voice,
till I fall asleep...
These, memories will
always live in my heart
and soul along with
my, loving. mother..
Everything seems so
peaceful to me..
Somewhere deep inside
I can almost hear
my mother reading to me.
As she bends down
to kiss my cheek and says,
goodnight, I love
you sweetie, goodnight..
As I sit here with
tears running down my face..
A peaceful feeling
comes over me ..
I, close my eyes with
such glorious, wonderful,
memories of my very,
loving kind-hearted Mother..
who I miss and love
with all my heart..
a.k.a. Betty
All rights reserved ©February 18, 2003
with permission
more of Betty's poetry Here