**Eyes of Love**
The tapping
of his cane as it hits the wall
tap ~ tap, tap ~ tap, tap
It is the
older man as he finds his way
to his apartment
all alone, once again.
I watch and
admire him from afar
He always
has a nice word for everyone that passes by him.
He says hello,
how are you?
God bless
He, pats the
little ones on the head
and stops
a minute to play.
He reaches
in his pocket and gives the children some change.
Go, ask your
mother if you can go buy ice cream..or save it for candy to share with
all your friends..
He finds his
lock ~ upon, his door
and he lets
himself in..
I hear the
tapping of his cane
tap, tap ~
tap, tap ~ tap, tap~ once again.
As, he walks
across his floor..
I listen at
his door incase he needs a helping hand
I wait and
listen silently, straining to hear his cane again..
Then, I hear
the familiar sound
tap,tap ~
tap, tap~ again
I watch and
pray every night, that he arrives home safe from harm..
That, gentle
person that he is..
You, see he
doesn't need his eyes..
God, shows
him where he goes...
God, takes
him by his arm in leads him safely
home, once
As I'm listening
at his door it suddenly opens up
He, said I've
noticed what a friend you are,
I just wanted
you to know I'm all right..
You, see I
hear you at my door watching and
waiting to
see I'm in my apartment safe..
I hear you
here every night, you are really my blessing..
God, bless
you for being so thoughtful and kind..
Well, tonight
my friend I came to invite you in..
The tea water
is boiling for our tea..
I feel so
blessed that God stands over and watches over me..
You, see God
knew I needed a friend, and he sent you here to me..
I feel so blessed
and loved by the people here, that look and watch over me..
The Lord,
lets me use his eyes, he takes good
care of me..
But, I do
get lonely, so he sent you here my friend to keep me company..
Now as I sit
here with my wonderful, loving new friend I begin to understand...
I hear the
tapping of his cane as this beautiful
hymn goes
through my mind over and over again.
I catch myself,
humming these words as I look right at him, thinking to myself,
I, once
was lost ~but now I'm found ~ I, once was blind ~ now I can see.
Dear Lord,
you lend your eyes so the blind ~
yes the blind
"Who are all
of us" ~ can see....
Thank you,
Lord for opening my eyes with love
and for touching
my soul with all the beautiful, people I meet..
a.k.a. Betty
All rights
13, 2003