Give Me A Chance
Mama, I want to touch your
Can you feel me?
IM inside you and you cant
hear me..
Do you know how much you mean
to me?
I'm part of you but yet, you
want to abort me.
Oh, why do you have to end
I'll never get the chance
to make you proud of me.
Mama, I'm just asking
for a chance to live my life.
Don't let them tell you I,
cant feel anything.
How do they know I can't
Are they sure IM not anything
Do you know Mama things are
really starting to
develop on me?
My eyes are starting to grow.
My ears are starting to develop.
I can hear.. So they must
I heard you loud and clear,
what you said today.
You said I don't want this
baby that grows inside me.
This baby is a bad mistake.
Mama you said I was a bad
mistake you made.
Now that is really sad Mama.
I'm no mistake.
Now that really makes me mad!
How, can a living person who
is breathing and
so much alive be a bad mistake?
I'm a gift Mama from God to
IM not a mistake.
I wish I could get through
to you.
I, see you made up your mind
Your laying on this cold table..
I heard your nurse say the
doctor will be right in. Mommmmm, I'm really scared.
I wish you could have seen
Maybe, you would have changed
your mind.
I,hold nothing against you
Its your right.
God,knows I have no say so
over my own life,
Its all right Mom.
Bye Mama, I'm sorry I was
your bad mistake.
I'm sorry I became your problem
since the very
first day.
What are you doing Mom?
Your getting off this cold
awful table.
I hear you Mama, you are crying.
Who is that? The Doctor Your
talking to?
I heard what you said Mama,
ou said, Doctor I just cant.
I, don't
know how to explain it to
I'm sorry I wasted your time
but this just cant be.
I love this baby inside of
My baby and I we'll be fine
will make it.
You will see. I'm smiling
My Mama really does love me.
a.k.a. Betty
January 19,2002 © All
rights reserved
Used with permission
Read more of Betty's poetry