Heart ~From the Other Side
by, a sudden feeling that I was not alone
I feel,
your presence surround me, for the first time since you've been gone...I
've cried myself plenty of nights, till I
dear God, did he, have to leave me?
with a jolt, as far as I could see..I see the room light up, with
pure, mystery..I look at the foot of my bed
stood, smiling down at me..My mind, could not
what my eyes, were seeing
You appeared
so lovingly .. So, real .. How, could this be? You, touched
your heart and looked right at me. Without, any words I understood
what you were saying to me...You, said my dear, your in my heart always,
I love you, more than ever~~ My love for you, ~only grows deeper~~ on the
side. One day, we'll be together again, .. but, for now "my love,"
you have a life to live......Live, your life ..not in pain, filled
with sorrow,. Live your life in happiness, I want to see your, beautiful
when you think of me, .. Be happy you, have every right to be.. Don't spend
your days feeling guilty, because I'm not here ~~I'm with you, always ~
I'll never leave you dear, ... Many, ~ many years, from now when
it becomes, your time ~~ I 'll be here, to take you home with
me.... my love....to the other side
that he touched his heart, and looked right at me. Almost, as if
he was looking, through my very soul.. With, so much
love, in his eyes, he said I love you so... I'm, with you,
always ..I know you, may not see me standing here, right next to
you,...,just know that, I'm here, watching over and protecting
you .
He vanished,
into the air as fast as he appeared..As I, sat
up in
my bed, I thought what a beautiful ~~ beautiful dream I had.. .. As tears
of love, flow quickly, down my face..I could have sworn ,I felt him kiss
and wipe my tears away .. As I heard his words. Don't cry ,will be together
again, one day..Let me see, that smile of yours. .Be happy
I dont
you to spend your life grieving over me..
at that same moment I had this, unsettled thought... Was it really, a dream?
How could it be?....My heart, felt his presence, even, the
smell of his cologne, lingered in my room.. I felt him, within my whole
soul, and being ~ He , spoke to me without any words and yet ~~~
I've heard every loving, word, he, spoke ~ from, his heart,~~ soul~~~
and mind....It wasn't a dream ~~ not a dream at all....It was a visit from
my, love..showing, me his love ~~ carried over ,from
the other side..
He, wanted
me to know, his love ~~would, never ~ never die. I touched my heart~~ kissed
the air and somehow, felt his loving lips on mine, as I whispered ~Good
night dear... I love you, , as I hugged his pillow all night..
Betty Rickard
with permission
rights reserved
20, 2004
more of Betty's stories Here