Someone Watching Over
Us Always
Who is that sitting on
my stairs..Who is that?
It is a man, sitting
there begging for something to eat
I never seen him before..Here
I am with only some milk, bread and
some lunch meat...I get
up close to my porch and the man looks at me
with eyes of sadness
and a body that look as if he hasn't ate in weeks.
Ma'am, can you spare
something to eat..
You, see Ma'am I, been
down on my luck. Can't find a job they won't let
me in to fill out an
application, they said people would take offence.
They said look at you,
look at your clothes they're dirty. You. smell get
out of here, before we
call the police. Look at you, coming in here your
a BUM! Get out
of here..
Ma'am, I felt so bad.
I sat on the curb for days starving without a thing to
eat. I'm not a
bum. I can't find a job if I can't get clean or they won't let
me come in. Ma'am,
please can you spare anything to eat. It doesn't have
to be much.
I handed him the bag
of groceries, I just bought. I reached down in my
pocket in pulled out
a $20 dollar bill I said here, It's all I have to spare right
He said Ma'am, you are
so kind. God bless you..
I said the apartment below
mine is empty. It has Plenty of hot water for
your bath. I'll
be right back, wait here please.
I ran upstairs and I looked
in my closet where sweaters and pants still hung
from my husband, You,
see Charles, passed away around a year ago. I
couldn't get myself to
give his things away, but something today made me,
gather and take all his
clothes to the man waiting on the porch
When I returned with the
clothes I handed them to him. He said ma'am I
can't take all this from
you. Ma'am. do you have a grass cutter? looks like
your grass is way out
of hand.
I said I, sure do and
would appreciate it. But, first I said lets, let you in the
apartment. I, opened
the apartment door for him. I said, you eat first then
shower. I brought
him a razor and shaving cream that my brother had left
My, brother came over
and I told him everything I could about the man. I
said I don't know why
but, God has sent this man to me. I feel it in my soul,
I need to help him.
My brother said, we will
see, leave the talking to me. At this moment, the
man opened the door,
I couldn't believe my eyes there in Charles, clothes
was a very handsome man.
He was clean shaved and sparkling clean. My brother introduced himself,
to him. They talked and talked, they got along great.
My brother asked to talk
with me for a few minutes he, excused himself,
and told the man he would
return soon.
He said Emily, I think
he is a good man. Just, down on his luck no one will
give him a chance.
Emily, would you mind very much If, he stayed in the apartment with me,
till he gets on his feet?
I said not at all, I
didn't mind. I think it is a great idea, lets go tell him.
When, we told the man
about are plans. The, man with tears in his eyes couldn't believe
we would do this for him.
He promised to find work
as soon as he could. He, called me his guardian
angel, how, about that?
My brother took him down
to his work there was an opening. He was hired
on the spot. He
came home so happy. I seen him coming up the street in Charles, clothes
and my heart did a flip as I missed Charles so.
He, said how can I ever
pay you back. Nothing, I can do will ever pay you
back for having faith
in me. You, gave me my life back.
On his first payday he,
asked me to go out to dinner with him. I said yes. As
I sat there thinking
about me saying, yes, I felt so guilty. I scolded myself.
How, can you, just go
out with a man? How, about Charles doesn't he mean
anything to you anymore?
I cried and cried
I had to find the nerve to tell Tom, I was sorry but, I just couldn't go.
I, will go, downstairs and tell him, and let him know. I love
Charles, he's only been
gone for over a year.
I wish Charles, was here.
He would bring me a yellow rose. It was
something we used to
A yellow rose meant everything
would be fine. Not, to be afraid of
anything he, was
here with me and I, was here with him. He would say If,
we had an argument, I'll
send you a yellow rose. This means everything is
fine. Don't worry.
It means that yellow is
like sunshine everything would be fine. Trust in
yourself, listen to your
heart, it knows best. Yes, that was my Charles, he
knew just, how to make
me feel better. Lord! How I missed him.
I had myself a good cry.
I unlocked the door to go tell Tom, I wouldn't be
going to dinner with
him. I opened the door, and in front of my door was the prettiest
yellow rose just laying there. I picked it up and kissed it.
I knew It was Charles that sent it. He, was letting me know everything
was fine with him. He, wanted Tom, and I to go out. This was
in Gods and his plan.
I hurried and dressed
there was a knock on my door.. It was Tom, He
handed me a dozen of
long stem yellow roses with a card that read,
Thank you, for being
the loving person you are.
Thank you, for being
my guardian angel.
It was signed
Tom Charles.
This took me by total
surprise, I said why did you write Charles, on your
Ohhh Charles, is my middle
I, left the room to put
the roses in a vase. Tears were falling down my
cheeks and I just knew
God, and Charles planned all this.
Will see, where it will
Will just take it slow.
But, I know this was
all meant to be.
Yes, indeed.
As I smile with loving
thoughts of my Charles.
God, bless him.
~ XxSuNkiSsx
a.k.a. Betty
All rights
reserved (c) March 26, 2003

Of Praise