What beauty, for the beholder to see.
Breath taking pearl sands, and dark blue
water, flowing, Sparkling, surrounding me.
Flowing, drifting waves, splashing to the shore
Gentle breeze, rippling , caressing, and
blowing through my hair..
Sand felt under my feet,
As I stand in awe, I take in all this unbelievable,
I find surrender, of certain peace,
As I look at this beautiful masterpiece
God, painted .... Soothing calmness, takes over me.
I feel so blessed, with the thought,
I have everything I need in my life.
I have, God, My family, " LOVE", My Friends
The beautiful lake, The waves, Nature.
My relaxation, My meditation.. This is
everything I need..
I'M so blessed, I bow my head in thankful prayer,
For this and more, I'M so very thankful..
Dear Lord, You, made me so AWARE of all my surroundings
and I'M so happy, that you have. I feel so much peace of mind, looking
at all this overwhelming beauty, you've made .
Lord, I feel your presence and your amazing love,
standing right here watching over me, and I feel so blessed and yes,
so loved.
Betty Rickard
aka Betty
All rights reserved Used with permission
May 27, 2004